Risks of Restylane
Allergic Reaction
If you're scheduled for Restylane injections, it's not mandatory to have any sort of skin test or allergy test, although it is possible to have an allergic reaction to the substance. If you're interested in getting Restylane injections, speak with the plastic surgeon about what's used in the substance. If you're worried about an allergic reaction, you can be tested for any allergies associated with Restylane.
If you receive Restylane injections in the face, there is a possibility you can end up with a droopy eyelid due to the substance seeping into the areas of skin around the eye and affecting the nerves. The condition may go away on its own or may be permanent. Some permanent cases can be corrected with surgery.
Flu-Like Symptoms
In some cases, Restylane injections can cause flu-like symptoms. This can include chills, fatigue headaches and muscle aches or muscle weakness. Muscle weakness can occur on the face, near the areas that were injected.
When you're injected with Restylane, there may be bacteria on the skin around the injection site. It's possible these bacteria could make their way into the puncture and cause an infection. However, as long as the skin is clean and the needle has been sterilized, the risk of an infection is minimal.
You may experience feelings similar to motion sickness. There can sometimes be a sensation of stomach discomfort that may be accompanied by an impulse to gag or an urge to vomit.
You may experience pain and tenderness where the Restylane was injected into the skin. These side effects can sometimes be accompanied by light bruising. Severe bruising can also occur in some rare cases.
Redness and Swelling
Redness of the skin and swelling in the areas where the Restylane was injected are the two most common side effects of using the product. If Restylane has been injected into the face, the skin may appear puffy for a short while. Rarely, it will take days, weeks or even months for some of the side effects of Restylane to subside.