Facelifts for Men
Candidates for face lifts should consult doctors. Though some may assume that face lifts and other forms of cosmetic surgery are only for females, men may also benefit from such procedures. Men seeking to have a face lift should speak with their surgeon. Male candidates should be healthy and should show a reasonable need for the surgery. Men above the age of 40 may find themselves in need of such cosmetic surgery. They should also be psychologically healthy and should be able to fully understand the possible results after the surgery.
Surgery Strategy
Though face lifts are similar in procedure among men and women patients, there are still a few differences between the strategies of these procedures. For example, because women tend to wear their hair longer, it is easier for surgeons to hide the scars caused by the surgery. Surgeons must use different strategies to conceal scarring for men and usually resort to the creases near the ear.
Postives and Set Backs
Face lifts can make men look years younger, increase self-esteem and improve self-image. Though very few cosmetic surgeries have serious complications, infection can occur and can lead to more serious complications. Also, scarring and nerve damage may result. One of the most common complications is not necessarily a result of the surgery, but as a result of the anesthesia. Allergies and other unforeseen problems may make the anesthetic process risky. Many side effects of face lifts disappear within a short time. Some, however, must be addressed with additional surgery.
Recovery time for face lifts for both men and women is relatively short. After the surgery, the head is elevated and the face wrapped in surgical bandages. This reduces and prevents further swelling of the face. With just a few days, the bandages can be removed and the swelling will go down. It takes a few weeks, usually two to three, for the bruises and incisions to heal and for the results of the surgery to be truly noticeable.