How to Get Rid of Stomach Fat With Surgery
Choose Between Two Stomach Fat Surgery Options
Research liposuction. Liposuction is one of your surgery options. Liposuction is very invasive and can involve a painful recovery process. There are three technique choices in liposuction. Tumescent involves injecting a large amount of medicated solution into the areas that fat is to be removed. This solution has ingredients that help to numb the area before and after surgery, reduce bruising and loss of blood. The solution is suctioned out along with the fat with a medical device that provides suction force through a plastic tube. The fat is removed through this tube and discarded. The super-wet technique is virtually the same as tumescent, but the amount of fluid injected is less. The Ultrasound-assisted liposuction, or UAL, uses ultrasonic vibrations either above or below the skin to liquefy fat so that it can be suctioned out of the body. Recovery times from liposuction will depend on the extent of the surgery. However, your bandages will stay on for at least two weeks and you will also need to wear a girdle for approximately two or three weeks. Your pain and need for medication should subside after the two-week mark from your surgery.
Research tummy tucks. Your other main option to remove stomach fat is with a tummy tuck. Your surgeon will make a small incision in your lower abdomen and remove, by cutting, excess skin and fatty tissue through your abdomen. In the process he will reshape your abdomen and may tighten your abdominal muscles as well if they are stretched out and prevent your abdomen from appearing tight. He may also remove side love handles if you have them. After he is finished he will close the incision with stitches and may insert tubes -- which will be removed later -- to allow liquid to drain from the site of operation. You will stay in the hospital one to three days after surgery and will be bandaged and girdled for two to four weeks, which is the time frame that you will be able to return to work in. Your surgery scars will take three to six months to become less noticeable.
Research risks of both surgeries. Some of the risks with all types of liposuction are staph infections, blood clots, nerve or skin damage, scarring and shock. Risks for tummy tucks include blood clots, bleeding, infection, bruising and swelling. You can also have complications with damage to your internal organs, nerve damage and low body temperature during surgery.
Choose the stomach surgery right for you -- based on the information you've found about both types of stomach fat removal surgery.
Choose Your Doctor
Research your doctor. Visit the the American Society of Plastic Surgeons website to view accredited doctors. Their contact information is on the website. Ask friends and family for recommendations. Make sure you get testimonials from doctors, to see whether or not past patients were satisfied with their work.
Make a consultation appointment with your three top choice doctors. Discuss with them the specific procedure they use and make sure it lines up with your research. Note any "new" procedures the doctor recommends to get rid of your stomach fat. Research that procedure thoroughly before you elect it. Be weary of doctors who try to sell you other cosmetic procedures. A doctor trying to capitalize on your insecurities or tell you what else could be improved about your physical appearance without you asking him directly is not a doctor with good patient relation skills.
Choose your doctor and make an appointment to have the surgery performed. Your doctor will inform you of preparations that need to be made before and after your surgery to ensure its success.