About Surgeons Specializing in Vaginal Reconstruction
Vaginoplasty is performed with a laser. The procedure tightens vaginal muscles and surrounding tissue by removing some of the mucosa, or lining, of the vagina. It is considered a standard gynecologic procedure.
The procedure is performed either by a gynecologist or plastic surgeon. In some cases, one physician from both specialties may work together to perform the surgery. Because gynecologists are the physicians most familiar with the female anatomy, it is important for the interested individual to first consult with a reputable gynecologist.
Additional Information
Any surgeon that you elect should have consistent and recent experience, inform you of risks and complications that he has dealt with, should be board certified, should have hospital privileges for this procedure, should have specialty training in this procedure and be detailed in his explanations of recovery and anesthesia. No question that you have should go unanswered or be unanswered unsatisfactorily.