LLT for Wrinkle Therapy
Two basic types of lasers used in skin therapy include ablative and nonablative lasers, according to the Consumer Guide to Plastic Surgery. Ablative lasers burn away the top layer of skin, requiring a week or so of recovery time from its single session. Nonablative lasers stimulate the underlying tissues to create new collagen, usually through multiple sessions.
Modern ablative lasers do not burn a solid area skin, instead removing millions of minuscule "dots" of tissue, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. The remaining skin then grows back together, resulting in a tighter, smoother surface. Nonablative lasers, by contrast, remove skin at the lower levels without causing any damage to surface skin.
Patients may have to take certain medications or apply special skin lotions for a few weeks before their laser procedure. While recovery generally involves only mild redness and discomfort, in some cases the procedure can cause burns or activate pre-existing herpes or other viruses.