Does Skin Stay Red & Purple After Tattoo Laser Removal?
Things to Consider
People decide to get a tattoo removed for several reasons, but not everyone is a good candidate for laser tattoo removal. To ensure the best results and avoid side effects such as extensive blistering, burning or discoloration of the skin, you should be in good physical and mental health, should have realistic expectations and should consult with a specialist. It is also a good idea to request before and after photos of patients your specialist has treated.
After the procedure, the affected area will be treated with anti-bacterial ointment and bandages. To avoid infections, discoloration and scarring, you should keep the area elevated and avoid picking at scabs. You should also avoid the sun during the healing process.
What to Expect
It is common for your skin to look red and feel sunburned for a few weeks after the procedure. Other, less common side effects include blistering, infection, loss of skin pigment or scabbing. If you have taken the proper precautions and cared for your skin according to recommendations, these effects should subside within a few weeks.