Is people allow in the surgery room?
- The surgical team: This includes the surgeon, assistants, and nurses. They are directly involved in the surgical procedure and are essential for patient care.
- Anesthesia team: The anesthesiologist and the anesthesia care team are responsible for monitoring the patient's vital signs, administering anesthesia, and managing any potential complications during the procedure.
- Additional support staff: Depending on the complexity of the surgery, additional staff such as surgical technicians, scrub nurses, or operating room coordinators may be present to assist the surgical team.
- Observers: In certain cases, observers such as medical students, residents, or other healthcare professionals may be allowed in the surgery room for educational purposes. They must adhere to strict protocols and maintain a sterile environment.
- Family members or support persons: Under exceptional circumstances and with the surgeon's permission, a patient's family member or support person may be allowed in the surgery room to provide emotional support during specific procedures, such as childbirth. However, their presence is limited and subject to the hospital's policies and the surgeon's discretion.