How old do you have to be surgery?
- Newborn babies: Some surgeries, such as heart surgery or surgery for a cleft lip or palate, may need to be performed shortly after birth.
- Children and adolescents: Children and adolescents may need surgery to treat a variety of conditions, such as appendicitis, tonsillitis, or scoliosis.
- Adults: Adults may need surgery for a variety of reasons, such as to remove a cancerous tumor, repair a hernia, or have joint replacement surgery.
In most cases, a person must be at least 18 years old to undergo surgery on their own. However, in some cases, a parent or guardian may consent to surgery for a minor child.
There are a few exceptions to the general rule that a person must be at least 18 years old to undergo surgery. For example, in some cases, a minor may be able to consent to surgery if they are considered to be mature minors. A mature minor is a person who is under the age of 18 but who is able to understand the risks and benefits of surgery and make their own decisions about their medical care.
Ultimately, the decision of whether or not a person is old enough to undergo surgery is made by the surgeon in consultation with the patient and the patient's family.
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