Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery
When getting an endonasal rhinoplasty as opposed to an external rhinoplasty, there is a decreased need for surgical dissection. It is also less likely that the tip of the nose will need extra support after surgery. The risk of post-operative edema is lessened, and the visible scarring risk is eliminated as the surgery is performed inside of the nasal cavity. Operating time is generally shorter than when performing an external rhinoplasty. With an endonasal rhinoplasty, swelling is minimal and recovery is quick.
Because the surgery is being performed inside of the nasal canal, surgeons have limited access, therefore a limited ability to achieve certain changes. The surgeon cannot see in all areas inside of the nose. This is why an endonasal rhinoplasty is usually recommended for patients who are only requesting subtle changes to the nose.
Individuals with short nose tips, shorter noses with perky tips or non-crooked noses are candidates for endonasal rhinoplasty surgery. Those with over-projected noses (long tips), large noses with drooping ends, crooked noses (often due to broken bones) and those with large lumps on the bridge of their nose may not be a candidate for an endonasal rhinoplasty and should opt for the external version instead. Only minimal imperfections should be fixed with a closed rhinoplasty.
Before surgery, aspirin and products containing aspirin should be avoided. These products thin blood and make the risk for postoperative bleeding increase. Vitamin supplements should be taken to promote healing at least one week before surgery. Let your surgeon know if you come down with a cold before surgery, as it may cause complications. Assembling cold compresses and placing them in your freezer before surgery is wise as it will be harder to complete those tasks after surgery. Purchase light foods. Cleanse face both the night before and the day of surgery with an antibacterial soap to prevent germs from causing a skin infection. Avoid eating the day of surgery and be sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep beforehand.
Post-Operative Benefits
After an endonasal rhinoplasty, an individual will notice symmetry in the face. Even the slightest change in the nose can give the appearance of symmetry. The size of the nose, whether it is increased or decreased will also be noticeable. Often, this helps with an individual's self confidence. Sometimes surgeries are performed for health reasons, like alleviating breathing difficulties.