Co2 Laser Treatment for Scars
Laser Resurfacing
CO2 lasers are not exactly real lasers--they are ablative in nature. This means that instead of burning skin with heat, they use a stream of particles that is ultra-abrasive and accurate, sanding away the skin. This process is known as laser resurfacing. CO2 lasers are the most powerful type of ablative laser used in the process, coming ahead of the gentler Er:YAG laser process.
In laser resurfacing, the small pits in the skin are blasted away on a nearly microscopic level. The sanded skin, now free of damaged cells, must repair itself. The remaining collagen in the area slowly grows thicker and healthier than it was before, as the healthy skin nearby helps heal the wound. Often several treatments are needed for noticeable improvement.
Once fully healed from CO2 laser treatment, the scars are less noticeable than they previously were. In addition, the treatment can also improve the appearance of wrinkles. The process tends to smooth skin tissue in general and can even improve skin tone and color, especially in those with fair skin.
CO2 lasers require skill to be used correctly, and the wounded skin must be allowed to heal away from sunlight and other types of stress for some time. Otherwise, the scars might become even worse than before. The process can also be painful and the redness it leaves in the skin can last for months before it fades away. Patients should look for cosmetic surgeons with experience in using CO2 lasers who can combine the surgery with other facial treatments such as skin peels. Typically, cosmetic surgeons must take courses in CO2 laser training before they can operate the devices.
Other Types of Lasers
Ebrium and N-lite lasers are the most common types of lasers used to help reduce scar tissue. While neither are as good at treating wrinkles, they have generally the same affect on acne scars. They are also less painful than CO2 and require less recovery time. They also tend to be less expensive by $1,000 to $2,000 in 2010 prices. Average CO2 prices are around $4,000 for a full face treatment and $1,500 for a single area.