Facial Plastic Surgery for Men
Botox has become popular to reduce crow's feet and furrowed brows in both men and women. It is given through a small series of injections into the overactive muscles that cause wrinkles. Botox itself is a toxin known as botulinum toxin, which is produced by the bacteria clostridium botulinum. Botox works by paralyzing the surrounding muscles, which in turn decreases the wrinkles those overactive muscles cause. Results last for around four months, and the injections are quick, simple and offer immediate results with low risk.
Filler and Fat Injections
Filler and fat injections are used to reduce the signs of wrinkles. Most common injections include fat, calcium hydroxylapatite, hyaluronic acid and poly-L-Lactic acid. Although they produce immediate results, these injections often last only several weeks before fading. Commonly used, fat injections have seen a 47 percent increase among men.
Hair Restoration
Hair restoration involves a surgeon taking strips of hair-bearing scalp, dividing it into small grafts, and implanting these units into bald spots. Eventually, these units will grow into hair, and the area in the scalp from which the graphs were taken will also regrow. Most hairs emerge from the scalp in groups of two or three. About 15 percent of new hairs emerge as single hairs, and 15 percent emerge in groups of four or five. Full results may take several months.
Ablative Skin Resurfacing
Ablative skin resurfacing has seen a 417 percent increase since 2004. Uses include chemical peels and laser resurfacing. Ultraviolet light and lasers work by removing damaged skin. New skin soon regrows, eliminating damage from sunburn or skin diseases, such as psoriasis. Chemical peels use chemical solutions to improve the texture of facial skin by removing damaged outer layers. Like laser treatment, new skin that grows back will grow over any previous damage.
Side Effects
Botox, when used in excess, can cause portions of the surrounding area of the injection sight to become permanently paralyzed. Other common side effects include droopy eyelids, nausea, muscle weakness and facial pain. Skin treatments can result in permanent damage to skin, if used incorrectly. Hair implants usually cause pain for the first few days after the operation.
Rhinoplasty is nasal surgery that changes the shape of the nose by reshaping the cartilage and bone. Common changes include: widening the bony portion of the nose by breaking and repositioning the bones. Removing small wedges of skin from the base of nose and bringing them closer together to reduce the size of the nostrils, and trimming the septum to readjust the angle between the nose and lip. After surgery, two to ten days of pain medication is usually administered; swelling and bruising may last for one to six weeks. Full results can take anywhere from three months to two years.