Laser Hair Removal from a Man's Chest
Find a licensed practitioner to perform the procedure.
Talk with your doctor or hair removal specialist to decide if you're a good candidate for laser hair removal. Your hair color and skin pigmentation play role in determining if the procedure will be effective. The treatment works best on men with fair or light skin and black hair. Men with darker skin may have permanent discoloration if they undergo laser hair removal.
Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight before the treatment. Any form of tan, natural or artificial, can cause problems. Due to chemical changes in the skin when sunburned or tanned, laser hair removal can cause blistering or discoloration. Cover up with a shirt when you're out in the sun.
Schedule your sessions over a short period. Laser hair removal is a time-consuming process that takes several sessions. This is especially true for chest hair removal, as it covers a much larger area than the underarms or legs. While some clinics offer a full-body session, these usually cost more than several sessions. You should also consider the pain associated with the procedure. You may want several sessions to allow your body to heal.
Let your body heal before returning to strenuous physical activity. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for at least two weeks. Be aware that there likely will be some lingering pain, so avoid sports and heavy exercise. Your doctor may suggest a skin creme or lotion to soothe discomfort and speed the healing process.