Facial Mole Removal Surgery
Risky Moles
Moles that are either large, present at birth or in great numbers (more than 100) carry a high risk for developing into melanoma. If your doctor suspects that a mole may be potentially dangerous, she may perform a biopsy. The doctor removes a small portion of the mole, either with a scalpel or another instrument and analyzes it.
Removal Methods
Before removing a mole, your doctor prepares the affected area for surgery. She cleans the area, then she administers a local anesthetic---this means that you will be awake, but the area being operated on will be numb.
Moles may be removed either by shaving or cutting. Moles that protrude from the skin may be shaved by the doctor so that they are flush with the skin. This is not necessarily a complete removal, however---mole cells may remain beneath the skin, allowing the mole to grow back. A similar method uses laser treatments to remove moles---it may not penetrate deeply enough to completely remove all the mole cells.
A complete mole removal method, which is often used in the case of potentially cancerous moles, is the cutting method. In this case, the mole is entirely removed, including the portions below the surface of the skin and in the surround area.
If a mole is simply shaved off, the doctor uses an electrical instrument to cauterize the area, stopping any bleeding. If the cutting method has been used, the area may require stitches to heal. The affected area typically develops a scab while healing, which usually takes a period of one or two weeks.
Mole removal comes with few risks. If you do not exercise the proper cautions, such as cleansing the area during the healing process, you may risk developing an infection. Also, depending on the size of the mole and the technique used, you may develop a scar, but these generally fade with time.
The cost of facial mole removal surgery is dependent on a multitude of factors, including your geographic location, the size of the mole, the method used and the doctor your choose. However, costs usually range from $125 to $400 or more.