Beneficial Uses for Protozoa & Botox
Protozoa uses
The newest beneficial use for protozoa is called Bactox. This is a bioassay that determines the acute and chronic effects of newly developed chemicals. The protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis is used in this process. Each individual protozoan is fed a different chemical. The deaths of the protozoan are monitored and used to determine the toxic levels of new chemicals. This procedure is useful in determining the effects of pesticides and pest control products.
Protozoa are also beneficial in the fertility of soils. By eating the soil bacteria, protozoa regulate bacterial populations and keep them in a state of physiological youth. This enhances the rates at which bacteria decompose dead organic matter. They also give off nitrogen and phosphorus as products of their metabolism. Studies have shown that the presence of protozoa in soils enhances plant growth.
Botox uses
Botox is effective in treating facial wrinkles and creases and in lessening and eliminating the effects of muscle diseases. Botox was first approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1989 when it was discovered to be useful in treating lazy eye and muscle spasm symptoms with almost no side effects. In addition, Botox can be used to treat post-stroke spasticity, excessive bladder contractions and hyperhydrosis, or excessive sweating.
A recent study has also shown that Botox can help nerve-related foot pain for diabetics.
Other diseases treated with Botox
Botox is known to improve the effects of multiple sclerosis. Repeat injections every three months can relax the muscles and relieve jerkiness and stiffness associated with this disease.
Cerebral Palsy is another disease which causes involuntary muscle spasms and movements. Botox treatments can reduce these occurrences for the patient.
Erb's Palsy is a birth condition in which the baby's shoulder is caught on the mother's pelvis and the shoulder nerves are torn. This damage causes a muscle imbalance in the affected arm, making some muscles stronger than others. Botox injections can temporarily freeze the stronger muscles, giving the weaker muscles a chance to build strength.