Turkey Neck Ribbon Banding Procedures
Having cosmetic surgery with the ENDOTINE Ribbon makes your neck muscles smoother, and you'll no longer have the appearance of a turkey neck.
This implant is used for cosmetic surgery of the lower jaw and neck, and is absorbed by the body. The ENDOTINE Ribbon consists of a long, slender leash, with a tine bearing area that contains 34 tines, and a smooth leash area. Your surgeon can customize the ribbon to the body of the patient and type of procedure, by cutting the number of tines, or cutting the smooth leash area. ENDOTINE Ribbon is easier to use than sutures, and a surgeon doesn't have the frustration of passing sutures that can result in dimpling of the skin.
A surgical procedure called a platysmaplasty was specifically designed for patients who suffer from a turkey neck. This traditional neck lift surgical procedure usually takes from two to three hours, unless there are complications, or you're having another type of surgery at the same time.
After you receive a local anesthetic in your neck, your surgeon modifies or removes your neck muscle bands, and then makes small cuts behind your ears, beneath your chin, or both. If you prefer a less invasive platysmaplasty, you may be able to have your neck lift performed using a 3D high definition endoscope during the surgical procedure, which may help reduce your recovery period.
Once your surgeon has made the small cuts, he uses his surgical instruments to manipulate or realign your neck bands, and rarely, some of the muscle tissue may have to be removed in order to get rid of the unwanted muscle bands in the neck area. "Once the unwanted muscle bands are removed, your surgeon will use the ENDOTINE Ribbon and different types of tissue glues to hold the muscle bands in the correct position," according to NeckLiftOnLine.com. Using ENDOTINE Ribbon and tissue glues results in a speedier recovery, and patients have less pain, bruising, and swelling after surgery.
Side Effects
During the early part of your recovery, you may be able to see or feel the ENDOTINE Ribbon, until the implant is gradually reabsorbed. In rare cases, you may feel tenderness or sensitivity over the implant area.