The Disadvantages of the QuickLift
Although the QuickLift is a semisurgical procedure, making it different from many major face-lift surgeries that require weeks of downtime, it still has many downsides. One of the most notable downsides is durability. The QuickLift procedure will only last a few years--sometimes up to 5--since it is only a minor procedure. The bands that are placed within the person's face will have a limited lifespan; therefore, after years of degradation, it will be necessary to have the procedure again.
Effects of Weight
Much of the surgery's success is dependent upon the size and facial structure of the patient. Since the surgery makes use of literally tightening skin onto the face, overweight people can have trouble with the surgery being effective upon their skin. Since people with added weight might have a great amount of extra loose skin on their chin than other people have, the surgery might not be effective in helping to maintain or create a youthful appearance for these people.
Age Limitations
This surgery is normally limited to specific age groups. Only patients who have signs of early facial aging are eligible to undergo the surgery; therefore, it is generally limited to those who are over 40 years of age. It also is normally limited to people below the age of 60, since the procedure works best at fixing minor aging signs as opposed to major ones.
Artificial Look
Oftentimes, the visual appearance of someone after undergoing this surgery will be artificial. These types of looks are especially prevalent in people who have had many surgical alterations and procedures.