Risks of Lipo
As with any surgical procedure, liposuction dramatically alters an area of your body and temporarily weakens your immune system, since your body now needs to heal itself from the procedure. Infection can occur if bacteria gets into the area where the procedure was performed and has a chance to grow and spread. Infections from liposuction have become less common as the procedure and the use of antibiotics have been perfected, but there is always a risk and infection can bring about a number of other health issues. Symptoms of infection can include a fever, chills, redness, vomiting, and increased tenderness in the infected area.
Allergic Reaction to Medication
Most people undergo anesthesia to help with pain management when they have liposuction performed and everyone's bodies can respond to medication differently than others. Any time a foreign substance is introduced into the body, there is a risk of an unfavorable reaction. Allergic reactions to medication can vary greatly in severity and overall effect but some possibilities include rashes, shortness of breath, and even death in extreme cases.
Excess Skin
Removing the fat from the body does nothing for the skin that was once containing it and as a result, a large amount of liposuction can result in sagging skin since the skin remains the same size it was before without the fat underneath it to provide structure. Many people who have liposuction also have the excess skin removed as well in a separate procedure to eliminate this problem. The extremity of this varies from person to person, depending on the elasticity of their skin.