Chin & Jowl Liposuction
What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes fatty tissues from different areas of the body, such as the chin and jowl.
Chin and Jowl Liposuction
Having liposuction on your chin and jowl is a safe procedure that can drastically change the contour and appearance of your face and neck. Many people get this procedure to look younger or to reduce sagging jowls, neck rolls and double chins.
The most common way to have liposuction on your chin and jowl is by having it with the procedure called liposculpture. A surgeon will numb the area, then use a laser to gently melt the fat and tighten the skin. The next step is to place small incisions so that the surgeon can insert instruments to begin the suction process.
Is it Painful?
Liposuction of the chin and jowl has limited pain, compared with other types of cosmetic surgery. Most people experience bruising and mild pain.
Plastic surgery is usually not covered by insurance. The average procedure costs between $2,000 to $4,500. The price may go up depending on what type of anesthetic you need.