Difference Between a Tummy Tuck & Abdominoplasty
People who elect to have an abdominoplasty performed often have excess skin on their bellies from pregnancy or weight loss. It is not recommended for women who wish to continue having children, or for people who would like to lose more weight. Patients should also be in good health.
Complete Abdominoplasty
A complete tummy tuck requires the surgeon to cut the patient's abdomen across the hipbone. The incision is low, just across the pubic area. The surgeon then removes excess fat and tissue and sutures the abdominal muscles together. He will also replace the navel.
Partial abdominoplasty
For people whose fat deposits reside below their navel, doctors will often recommend a partial or mini abdominoplasty. This surgery requires less cutting and the belly button does not need to be moved. It can often be performed using an endoscope and only takes a few hours.
After the surgery, bandages are applied to the incision. The doctor will also place a temporary tube under the skin to drain any excess fluid or blood. Patients may not be able to stand fully upright for a few days or weeks while the incision heals and will need medication to cope with the pain.
As with any surgical procedure, tummy tucks carry some risks. These include infection, internal bleeding, blood clots and incomplete healing.