Complications of Lifestyle Lift Surgery
All surgical procedures carry some risks of excessive bleeding. People planning to have a Lifestyle Lift procedure are instructed to discontinue the use of blood thinning medications such as aspirin to reduce these risks. Compliance with aftercare instructions following a Lifestyle Lift procedure will also reduce the general surgical risks. Because only local anesthetic is used with Lifestyle Lift procedures, the risks associated with general anesthesia and sedation are avoided entirely.
Lifestyle Lift claims to have a less than 0.05 percent rate of complications after the procedure, according to facial plastic surgeon Dr. David M. Kent. On his website,, Kent says the biggest risk is unrealistic expectations by the person pursuing cosmetic surgery. He states that unrealistic views and goals by patients prior to surgery are the leading cause of disappointment after undergoing Lifestyle Lift. Because of this, patients often undergo questioning prior to surgery pertaining to individual goals and expectations.
Bruising and Swelling
Bruising and swelling are common after undergoing a Lifestyle Lift procedure. In the majority of cases, this is temporary and subsides in fairly short order. However, temporary distortion due to swelling or bruising may be distressing for some patients following surgery and should be discussed with a Lifestyle Lift provider. Any swelling that may be beyond the normal amount of predicted swelling should be discussed as well as this may indicate more serious complications.
There will be some pain associated with recovery from a Lifestyle Lift procedure, although this is considerably less than more invasive alternatives. Rarely, pain may worsen or reach a point that is beyond the ache of normal healing and may indicate an infection. Other signs of infection include discoloration around the treated area that is not associated with normal bruising or an elevated temperature. Contact your doctor if you suspect infection.
Nerve Damage
Nerve damage is a rare complication of Lifestyle Lift surgery. Occasionally, facial nerve damage can occur due to accidental severing of nerves during the procedure. Serious complications of this are almost nonexistent with mild cases being few and far between. Symptoms of facial nerve injury may include increased numbness or tingling. While these symptoms may be experienced after an uncomplicated surgery, an increase in symptoms should be evaluated by a physician.