How to Change the Shape of Your Nose
Use make-up. Make-up can do wonders when it comes to changing the shape and size of your nose. To shorten the look of your nose, blend a darker color under your nose and up over the tip. To make your nose appear longer, highlight over and under the tip of your nose. For a wider nose, use a broad highlight down the center of your nose and blend it well using a lighter foundation. To make your nose appear narrower, highlight the sides of your nose and blend well.
Try a non-surgical nose job. Often called the 15-minute nose job, injection rhinoplasty is a non-invasive procedure where filler material is injected to fill in depressions, change the angle of the tip of the nose, smooth out sharp angles and improve the overall shape and size of your nose. The effects typically last a few years before a touch-up is needed. The cost ranges from $800 to $1,500. Unlike a normal nose job, during the procedure you will be able to look at yourself in a mirror and control the results.
Wear a nose insert. A nose insert is a relatively inexpensive product that changes the shape of your nose only when worn. It is inserted into the nose and gently pushes out the tip. The results are limited, but the effect is instant and completely reversible.
Undergo rhinoplasty, or a surgical procedure that can drastically change the shape and size of your nose. Rhinoplasty is permanent and non-reversible. The healing process is painful and slow. Consult your physician for more information regarding your options.