Smart Lipo Recovery
Recovery Time
Most Smart Lipo patients walk out of the doctor's office an hour or two after receiving the treatment. There is a small recovery time involved with Smart Lipo, typically one or two days.
Smart Lipo is done under local anesthesia, unlike traditional liposuction, which uses general anesthesia. It is because of this that patients are able to begin recovery so quickly.
Other Smart Lipo recovery benefits include little, if any pain, no stitches, and no bleeding. The risk of scarring and infection is also greatly lessened because there are no large incisions.
Side Effects
Patients will experience minor bruising and numbness but these side effects generally disappear within hours or days of the procedure. Swelling goes away within a week and it is then that patients are able to see the final results.
Smart Lipo can be used for just about any body part. Most patients only need one treatment. Procedure sessions usually last 45 minutes to an hour per area treated.