Non Invasive Scar Removal
Laser Procedures
Dermatologists can use laser technology to remove scars or reduce their appearance. Laser procedures can treat any type of scarring, from acne scars to deep surgical scars. Nonablative or ablative lasers may be used, depending on how deep the scars are in the skin. Ablative lasers burn away the top layer of skin and reveal healthier scar-free skin beneath. Nonablative lasers do not burn away skin but instead resurface it with radiofrequency lasers that stimulate new growth.
After the laser treatment, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic ointment to apply to the treated area. You may begin to see an improvement in as few as four days after the procedure. Laser scar removal may require more than one treatment to remove the scar. Combination treatments also may be necessary. Most patients can return to normal activities immediately after treatment, but you should expect redness on your skin. The redness and irritation may last for several weeks.
Microdermabrasion involves a machine that blasts away the top layer of the scar with fine crystals made from aluminum oxide or magnesium oxide. You may need more than one microdermabrasion treatment to eliminate or reduce your scars. The procedure is done in the dermatologist's office with very little recovery needed. Your skin will be tender, and you may feel as though your skin is sunburned. It may take as many as 12 visits to remove the scarring completely from your skin.
Chemical Peel
A chemical peel procedure is used for milder scarring that is not deep below the surface of the skin. This treatment also removes the top layer of skin to reveal scar-free skin underneath. The doctor will use mild chemicals that exfoliate the scarred skin.
The doctor may advise you to avoid makeup on the area and to keep the skin protected from the sun for at least two weeks. Stay out of the sun during this time or wear a sunblock with an SPF of 15 or more. If the doctor uses a stronger chemical on your scars, you should expect redness and swelling along with blisters during the healing process.
Talk with a dermatologist to determine the best treatment for your skin type and severity of your scarring. These procedures vary in cost and the number of treatments needed to minimize your particular scars. Your dermatologist will help you be realistic about your expectations for each of the treatments.