Recovery From Laser Surgery for Skin Lesions
Bring Someone
Many people are under the impression that you can have laser surgery and walk out of the doctor's office as though nothing happened. The truth is that you will have some redness and pain after the procedure. Use ice packs to relieve the pain and make sure that you have a friend drive you home from the doctor's office.
Plan to take the day off and rest after your laser resurfacing. The areas of skin where the skin lesions were before the procedure may swell as well.
Skin Care
The doctor will recommend gentle cleansers for the area where the lesions were treated. Do not rub or scrub the skin in this area. Change the bandages within the first few days after the procedure. Remove the bandages completely after a week. Use an ointment if one is provided by your doctor to protect the skin once the bandages are gone.
Within a few weeks of the procedure, the skin may begin to crust over before it heals. Use the skin care products that your doctor recommends for the skin lesion. Always wear sun block if the area is exposed to sunlight. It is best to keep the skin out of the sun for a few weeks while the skin lesion is healing.
Side Effects
Laser skin resurfacing is a safe procedure for your skin lesions, but it is not without potential risks. Burns from the laser, skin color changes and potential scars could all happen with this procedure.
Watch for signs of infection after the procedure. The laser procedure can trigger an infection or a virus that may be present in your body such as herpes. A complete medical history prevents this from occurring in most cases.
Evaluating the Results
As the skin heals after the resurfacing procedure, the doctor will determine if additional procedures are necessary to eliminate the skin lesion. Laser procedures usually only require one treatment, but if the lesion is deep, you may have to repeat the procedure.