Top Diode Laser Hair Removal
Today, laser technology allows the coverage of larger areas more quickly and just as effectively. The only confusing part is choosing the right laser treatment for you.
Types of Lasers
When laser hair removal first made its debut, the Ruby Laser was the device of the day. These lasers are still in use, but are most effective on light skinned individuals with dark hair.
However, as researchers advanced the technologies, they developed products capable of treating darker skinned individuals as well as those with lighter hair follicles. This led to the Alexandrite, Diode, Q-switched Nd:YAG, and Long-pulse Nd:YAG lasers.
Of these lasers, Diode and Long-pulse Nd:YAG lasers have been shown most effective on darker skinned individuals. No technology is yet suited for treating light hair follicles.
High Powered
One of the top high powered Diode lasers is the LightSheer Diode Laser System originally developed by Coherent Medical and now owned and manufactured by Lumenis of Santa Clara, California. The manufacturer claims the product's short and long wave capabilities make it most capable to treat a broad spectrum of skin and hair colors effectively.
More importantly, a 2001 clinical study by dermatologists at the University of Miami as well as research by dermatologists at University of California at Irvine have shown the LightSheer system is capable of an 89 percent permanent hair reduction. Among the University of Miami trial participants, 96 percent reported themselves satisfied with results.
Other Products
Other effective Diode lasers exist. Most notably, the other powerhouse of this class of lasers is the SLP1000 by Palomar of Burlington, Massachusetts. It also has long pulse duration, powerful fluence, large spot size and an even faster repetition rate than the Light Sheer.
Other products in the Diode class include the Apex-800, MedioStar, F1 Diode Laser and EpiStar.
When selecting a laser hair removal treatment, consult a qualified dermatologist - and perhaps even consider getting multiple opinions. The best laser treatment depends largely on a person's pigmentation, hair type and goals.