What Is Laser Lipo?
Laser liposuction liquefies the fat under the skin, so it's easier to remove. The benefit of laser liposuction over more traditional techniques is its ability to tighten the skin after the fat is removed.
The patient is placed under anesthesia and small incisions are made in the skin. Small tubes are placed in the incisions. After the laser treatment, the suction tubes are used to remove the liquefied fat.
Liposuction can be done in an outpatient facility or a hospital. Some doctors have the necessary equipment in their office. The doctor who has equipment in his office is required to have proper emergency medical equipment.
The results are a slimmer patient. Initially, the area is swollen and tender. Patients are given pain pills to treat the pain after laser liposuction. A garment is given to the patient to wear in areas like the stomach or legs to keep the skin tight during recovery.
Risks are always associated with anesthetics due to allergic reactions. Some patients have uneven skin or a dimpled appearance, making them unhappy with the results. In rare occasions, skin or nerve damage can occur.