Laser Liposuction Safety
Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that is used to remove deposits of fat and reshape the contours of the body. Laser liposuction uses a procedure that liquefies the fat before it is removed.
The laser procedure uses a smaller tube or cannula to extract the fat out of the body. Patients are able to see results faster, and recovery time is shorter due to local anesthesia and much smaller incisions.
The laser procedure is safer, but there are still risks involved in any type of cosmetic surgery. The risk of infection, bleeding, bruising, numbness and scarring are just a few of the risks involved with laser liposuction.
A laser liposuction procedure utilizes an injection of diluted epinephrine into the body. The diluted epinephrine constricts blood vessels, which decreases the amount of blood loss during the procedure. Traditional liposuction does not use any technique to control blood flow.
Doctors who perform liposuction whether the traditional method or the laser procedure must be licensed cosmetic surgeons. Patients can check the credentials of their physician by checking with American Board of Plastic Surgery.