Removal of Excess Skin From Weight Loss
What Is Excess Skin Removal?
The surgery for the removal of excess skin was developed in France and Brazil over four decades ago, and it was less than perfect. There were complications such as visible scarring and prolonged recovery. Since then the procedure has improved greatly especially thanks to a new technique developed by Dr. Ted Lockwood called the "body lift." This surgical procedure involves removing excess skin from all over the body.
For some patients a full body lift is not necessary because the loose skin is concentrated in one area like the stomach. In those cases, the surgery only removes the excess skin from that particular area. For example, the procedure for removing loose skin from the arms is called brachioplasty.
The Procedure and Recovery
It is important to find an experienced and licensed plastic surgeon to perform this procedure. It is also suggested that you meet with the doctor at least twice to discuss preparation, process and possible complications. For a full body lift, multiple procedures done at various intervals may be necessary. The patient is put under general anesthesia during the surgery with the most common concerns being deep vein thrombosis, hypothermia and the possible development of blood clots.
Recovery time is usually longer than for other procedures. Typically, patients stay in the hospital about 24 to 48 hours after the initial surgery. From then it can take up to several days before they are walking comfortably and able to lift heavy weights.