How to Perform Restylane Injections
Things You'll Need
- Local anesthesia
- Restylane gel
- Syringes
Get a medical history. If the patient is female, verify that she is not pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, confirm that the patient is not susceptible to hypertrophic (excessive) scarring or keloid formation (scars resulting from excessive tissue growth).
Confirm the specific areas that are to be injected with the Restylane.
Administer a local anesthesia or other numbing agent to the area to be injected. This will minimize any discomfort the patient may feel during the injection.
Inject the Restylane into the identified areas using an ultra-fine needle. There is almost no discomfort when the Restylane is injected if a very fine needle is used. Once the gel is inserted, there is an almost instantaneous improvement at the site. The gel easily fills the wrinkles or the lips, making them expand.