What Are the Side Effects of Laser Resurfacing?
Your face is usually the first thing that other people notice about you. Wrinkles, acne scars and sagging skin can make you feel self conscious. Laser resurfacing can get rid of those small imperfections and give you back your confidence. Only you can decide if the risk of side effects is worth the results you are hoping to see.-
The Facts
Laser resurfacing is a popular cosmetic procedure for the treatment of fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars. During laser resurfacing, the doctor uses a laser to vaporize the skin, causing the problem areas to vanish. The laser stimulates new fibers of collagen, and fresh skin cells replace the old skin cells, creating a smooth appearance. Laser resurfacing also tightens the skin, evens out pigmentation, smooths rough skin and treats various skin cancers in their early stages.
Side Effects
Laser resurfacing is generally safe, but you may experience various side effects, even if the procedure is a complete success. Side effects of laser resurfacing include nausea because of general anesthesia, painful and oozing wounds that may last up to 10 days, skin redness lasting up to six months and scabs. Makeup can hide the redness until you have healed completely, but don't use makeup until 14 days after the procedure.
Complications of laser resurfacing are rare, but they do happen. Such complications include skin infection, change in skin pigmentation and scarring. Laser resurfacing may reactivate a cold sore outbreak, but you can usually avoid this by taking preventative medication. Risks of laser resurfacing vary, depending on your current health condition and medical history. Talk to your doctor about the risks for your specific case before committing to the procedure.
Ask a family member or friend to pick you up after your procedure. The general anesthesia can affect your reasoning skills and coordination, so refrain from driving, operating machinery, drinking alcohol and signing legal documents for at least 48 hours after the procedure. There are also recommendations that you should follow to achieve the best cosmetic results. Avoid the sun as much as possible until the redness has faded. Wear sunscreen with an SPF of 25 or higher for the first six months after your laser resurfacing. Wash your face gently and apply moisturizer every day. Use a mild baby shampoo when washing your hair to avoid skin irritation. Avoid making any exaggerated facial movements.
If you find that laser resurfacing isn't a good fit for you, there are other ways to erase the signs of aging. Retin-A and chemical peels are less invasive ways of smoothing your skin. Laser resurfacing doesn't treat the neck, sagging skin, deep wrinkles or excess fat. If those are the problem areas you wish to correct, talk to your doctor about a surgical face-lift.