Methods for Eyebrow Tattoo Removal
There are many creams available that claim to remove tattoos. The Mayo Clinic website states that these creams will lighten tattoos at best. Using these creams on eyebrows can be dangerous. The main ingredient in tattoo removal cream is trichloroacetic acid, or TCA. TCA is used in chemical peels performed in a safe medical environment. Getting TCA in your eyes is a real risk, and could potentially cause blindness.
It is possible to remove eyebrow tattoos with laser therapy. This is a painful process that can take over a year to complete. The procedure is done in a series of sessions at a skilled medical facility. The laser itself targets the ink and breaks up the structure of the ink in your skin. Black, blue and red are the easiest colors to destroy with laser treatment. Your doctor will protect your eyes during laser treatments because the tattoo is so close to the eye. Laser removal may leave the skin slightly scarred or discolored.
Your doctor may recommend trichloroacetic acid treatments to fade your eyebrow tattoos. In this case, TCA is applied in a safe medical facility. TCA promotes cell turnover and causes the first two layers of skin to peel off. New, tattoo-free skin grows in its place. The tattoo under the skin will be visible still, but extremely faded. Chemical peels are often used in conjunction with laser therapy.
Tattoo removing cream containing trichloroacetic acid costs between $150 and $200 per bottle. Laser treatments cost up to $500 per session. TCA treatments at the doctors office cost between $60 and $100. In each case, the number of treatments needed to remove your eyebrow tattoos will depend on the depth and color of the tattoo.