Facts on Nose Jobs
There are two types of primary rhinoplasty procedures. Open rhinoplasty involves cutting the strip of skin separating the nostrils to expose the underlying anatomy of the nose. It is used for major reshaping and complicated cases. Closed rhinoplasty is used for minor reshaping and requires an incision only on the inside of the nose. If problems arise or continue after the first nose job, surgeons may be required to perform a secondary rhinoplasty. This can be either an open or closed procedure. Filler injections can also be given to smooth out the tip of the nose, but this is not a permanent fix.
The first step in getting a nose job is the evaluation. A plastic surgeon will talk to you about your expectations, medical history and use of current medications or supplements. He will measure your face, take photographs and discuss your options. You made be told to stop taking certain medications, including aspirin and other blood thinners. Bloodwork and additional labs may be required in the days preceding the surgery.
The Procedure
An anesthesiologist will administer general or intravenous sedation. Once you are under, the surgeon will make the decision depending on the type of rhinoplasty being performed and begin reshaping the nose. Cartilage from the septum or other parts of the body may be used. The septum is straightened if required. The incision is then closed. Splints and internal tubes are used to support the nose for at least the first week following the procedure.
Risks related to all surgical procedures include pain, infection, bleeding, anesthesia complications and death. Additional rhinoplasty risks include numbness, scarring, dissatisfaction with the results, a need for further procedures, breathing difficulties caused by nasal obstructions and perforation of the septum. Loss of smell, nerve damage and loss of structural support are rarer possible complications.
The average cost for a nose job is $4,500, but can range from $3,000 to $12,000 depending on the complexity of the procedure. These fee generally includes the surgery itself as well as the anesthesia and facility cost. Post-operative medications may add fees. If the surgery is related to breathing difficulties or damage from an accident, it may be partially covered by your insurance; however, most elective surgeries are not covered. Your surgeon may offer payment plans or other financial assistance.