Side Effects of Lipostabil
Differences Between Lipostabil and Liposuction
Some may say that Lipostabil injections are somewhat similar to having a liposuction. There are a few differences however. The main difference is the cost of the two procedures. Liposuction is a more expensive procedure than the Lipostabil injections. Another difference is that the Lipostabil does not require any anesthesia, while liposuction does. Liposuction also requires a lengthy recovery time and Lipostabil has no recovery time. Also, if taking Lipostabil injections, there is no hospital stay.
Even though the costs of having Lipostabil injections are less expensive than having liposuction surgery, it can still be costly. The cost per body part per injection treatment is between $250 and $500. On the average, an individual receives treatment on at least two body parts. Since the treatments are done once a week over a period of 8 to 10 weeks, the total costs will run anywhere from $2,500 to $4000 per body part. Since Lipostabil injections are considered to be a cosmetic procedure, it will generally not be covered by medical insurance.
How It Is Done
Lipostabil is mostly used on the abdomen, chin or thighs. The physician will give the individual a treatment of twenty to forty injections of Lipostabil in the desired area. Once the medication is injected, the fat deposits will be broken down. They will later be released through the individual's feces, sweat or urine. This procedure is generally done once a week over a period of 8 to 10 weeks. It is a painless procedure for some and no recovery time is needed. Most patients will see results in approximately 4 weeks. It is best to continue exercising moderately to see the best results.
Side Effects
After the injections are done, the patient may feel a tingling sensation in the treated area. Over the next few days, she may notice some aching, bruising or swelling in the area. These side effects normally appear roughly 72 hours after the procedure is done. For pain relief, ice packs can be applied or painkillers can be taken.
Some other possible side effects would be the formation of nodules on the injected area or permanent reddening of the skin. Some individuals may suffer from diarrhea or circulatory problems. These side effects are only temporary.
Careful consideration should be taking when one is interested in taking Lipostabil injections. It is not an approved medication to be used in the United States. In addition to it not being approved by the FDA, there are also three medical associations that have issued health warnings against the use of injected medication. They are the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).