Complications of Lipo Dissolve
Nobody Knows Where the Fat Goes
It is still a mystery where the fat actually goes after it has been liquified. Serious problems could occur if it's filtered through the liver because then a fatty liver could be a result. Excess fat in the liver poses a danger because inflammation and scarring could occur or even worse, complete liver failure. If the liquified fat were to get into the blood vessels, it may contribute to other plaque or fatty buildup and result in a heart attack or stroke.
Depressions in the Skin
Some patients have complained of dimpling or depressions in their skin in or around the area where the injections were made. This kind of dimpling in the skin can be nearly impossible to correct. The dimpling occurs because a high amount of fat loss may occur where the injections were made, but not in areas where the injections were not made.
As with most any medical procedure the chances of infection do exist with Lipodissolve as well. To help prevent any infection, thoroughly research Lipo Dissolve providers, follow all after care instructions and make sure to attend any follow-up visits.
Results Aren't Guaranteed
It can take weeks before any results are seen or noticed with any treatment. It's best to expect optimal results after 4 to 6 lipo dissolve procedures although you may not even be able to tell if it really worked or not. Take the advice of your surgeon at the follow up appointment in regards to whether further procedures should be performed or not.
Side Effects May Occur
Side effects may include: a burning sensation, tingling, numbness, redness, bruising, scarring and skin discoloration. Most side effects will subside on their own but scarring and skin discoloration could remain. Scarring and skin discoloration are fairly common problems among people who have had the Lipo Dissolve procedure and both of these conditions may be hard to reverse.