What Is Labiaplasty?
Candidates for Labiaplasty
Candidates for labiaplasty include women of all ages. Some are searching for a more youthful appearance, while others want to just change their labia to match what they see in magazines or what they feel their partner will find more appealing.
Reasons for Labiaplasty
In some cases, women have labiaplasty because it can cause pain during sex, while other women have labiaplasty because of discomfort while wearing certain types of pants or while participating in physical activities. An enlarged labia can cause rubbing and irritation, which can lead to swelling or being rubbed raw. Many women have a distaste for the bulging appearance of their labia minora, and they're often embarrassed, which can effect their sex life. Other women feel it can be seen while wearing tight fitting pants or in a bathing suit. Some people question the surgical procedure in women who seek it at a young age, just because they were born with a larger labia. In these instances, opponents argue that it is an unnecessary surgery. They argue that women should accept the way the way they were born; and should not undergo surgery just because of pressure they feel from the mainstream expectation of what a female labia should look like.
Recovery From Labiaplasty
Recovery times from having a labiaplasty can range from two to eight weeks. Dressing similar to a sanitary pad is usually worn, and ice can be used for swelling. During this time women should limit their physical activity but can return to normal non physical daily acitivities within a week or two. It is recommended by physicians to not have any sexual acitivity for up to six weeks following the surgery.
Surgeons Skilled to Perform Labiaplasty
There are few surgeons who can perform labiaplasty and attain the desired results. Women that opt to undergo labiaplasty should only consider a surgeon who is trained to understand the practical nature of the procedure; and desired outcome that women anticipate.
Future of Labiaplasty
Women are seeking sexual enhancement as often as men seek penile implants and other sexual related enhancements. Most of these procedures are to improve the women's own self esteem and to feel more comfortable with their bodies. Many types of cosmetic surgeries such as labiaplasty make older women feel more youthful and younger women more accepted. At one point, these types of surgeries used to be performed only on models or actresses, but plastic surgery is becoming more widely accepted. Our society has deemed it ok for women to enhance their bodies and more women will decide to give in to the pressure of enhancing some part of their body. In the future, labiaplasty will become a minor surgical procedure and commonplace once there are more surgeons trained in performing the surgery.