Risks of Plastic Surgery
While bleeding is commonplace for any type of surgery, a hematoma is a type of blood clot. Hematomas are usually painful, and if left untreated and allowed to grow, they can disrupt the blood flow and oxygen circulation around the area they affect. The consequences of this can include inflammation, infection, swelling and even necrosis (skin death). If one has a hematoma after plastic surgery, they should consult a doctor to remove the clot.
Necrosis is the term for skin that has died; when skin becomes damaged or infected to the point that it can't repair itself, it undergoes necrosis. In the case of plastic surgery, necrosis usually occurs due to lack of oxygen to the area that was operated on, especially with breast reductions, tummy tucks, and face lifts. Smokers who undergo plastic surgery are at greater risk of necrosis because their oxygen supply is generally less than that of non-smokers. If treated early, necrosis may be stopped with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Scarring is a very common risk of having plastic surgery. This happens when surgical incisions don't heal properly, and the skin develops a thick edge and granular tissue. For this reason, plastic surgeons try to make incisions in places where any scars that develop will be less noticeable. In most cases, scarring is mild, and will decrease over time, while in some cases, scarring is very noticeable and permanent.
Allergic Reaction
An allergic reaction in plastic surgery is typically due to anesthesia. This is a very rare occurrence, but some people have very serious adverse reactions to the anesthesia they are given during their procedure. Allergic reactions can range from mild to severe, with some people experiencing nausea or a sore throat, and others dying.
Nerve Damage
Some patients who undergo plastic surgery experience nerve damage after their procedures. The severity of the damage typically depends upon the extensiveness of the surgical procedure. Nerve damage can range from the patient experiencing numbness or tingling, to losing sensation or function altogether. In rare cases, some experience paralysis of their muscles and permanent muscle weakness. Usually, nerve damage won't last more than a year, or can be treated with reconstructive surgery. But in other cases, the damage is permanent.