Laser Treatments for Cellulite
Cellulite, when described technically, is a deformation of the skin that is caused by an overabundance of fat cells. It appears most commonly on the thighs, abdomen, buttocks and arms and is most commonly caused by weight loss, genetics and aging. Laser treatment offers people who have cellulite a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment option to reducing the amount of cellulite found in certain areas of their body. These treatments may also help to re-contour the body, making it look smoother and finer.
The Procedure
Laser cellulite treatment targets fat cells through the surface of the skin by applying heat to them. This heat promotes increased circulation, allowing for a better oxygen exchange, which results in an increase in the metabolism of fat cells. While this fat is metabolizing, new collagen is forming, ultimately leading to firmer skin.
There are many benefits to treating cellulite aside from the reduction of the cellulite. First, there is an increase in blood circulation, which can result in fewer muscle aches and pains. Loose skin may tighten and become firm again, which results in a higher self-esteem. And though laser cellulite treatment is not meant as a weight loss treatment, some people may appear as if they have lost weight because their bodies are contoured and have a nicer shape. In addition, there is no pain associated with the procedure, and there is little, if any, recovery time, after completion of the treatment.
Laser cellulite treatment is an expensive treatment, costing anywhere between $100 and $500 per session, depending on the facility and the extent of the treatment. Most people require more than one session for the treatment to be effective, with a majority of patients having to return for as many as 10 sessions. In addition, this could be money wasted if the patient returns to an unhealthy lifestyle of no exercise and poor eating habits once she has achieved her desired results.
Though it appears that laser cellulite treatment is your miracle cure, you should keep in mind that is still a fairly new field and is not entirely developed yet. The long-term side effects and complications, if there are any, are not yet known. Because the safety of this procedure is not yet completely proven, it may be wise to try losing cellulite the natural way first--a healthy diet, exercise and topical cellulite creams.