How to Remove Carbon Dye From Skin After a Laser Treatment
Things You'll Need
- Baking soda
- Small bowl or similar container
- Mild dishwashing liquid
- Small spoon
- Lemon juice
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Sterile cotton balls
Place 2 tbsp. baking soda into a bowl or a container.
Stir in ½ tsp. mild dishwashing liquid.
Add a small amount (½ tsp. or less) of lemon juice.
Pour in just enough hydrogen peroxide to make a foamy paste. Usually this is no more than a capful. If the mixture is thin, add more baking soda. If too thick, add a bit more hydrogen peroxide.
Dip a cotton ball into the solution and rub the mixture gently onto the skin using a circular motion. Let the mixture remain on the skin for 1 to 5 minutes. Rinse with plain water. The dye will fade from your skin. Repeat as needed.