Liposuction Disadvantages
Weight Gain
Liposuction does not prevent weight gain, and new weight may accumulate in other areas where liposuction was not performed.
Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure and generally not covered under health insurance policies, requiring the patient to pick up the full cost of care.
Body Shape
After liposuction, the body may appear asymmetric or lumpy if fat cells were not removed evenly.
According to the Food and Drug Administration, swelling may persist for several months after liposuction, resulting in a lack of improvement of physical appearance.
Pain or numbness from anesthetics and at the incision site may linger for several months after liposuction has been performed.
Incisions may become infected, and infection can spread to the internal organs, which can become a life threatening condition.
Depending on what area of the body liposuction is involved, it may take patients several weeks to regain full range of motion and muscle strength.