How to Recover from Rhinoplasty
The healing and adjustment period after surgery may last several weeks. Be prepared for swelling and bruising. It won't be pretty. You might want to schedule a week or two off work to allow the swelling and bruising to subside.
After surgery, your nose will be filled with packing to help your nose retain its new shape, and to absorb blood. Leave the packing intact until the doctor removes it.
Your head will feel stuffy and you will have the urge to blow your nose. Don't do it. Allow your nasal passages to heal.
Apply ice as directed by your doctor.
Drink plenty of fluids and eat a healthy diet. You want to nourish your body so that it can heal quickly.
Take pain killers as prescribed. Get as much rest as possible. Allow time for your body to heal.
You may want to sleep in a recliner for a while. Your head needs to be elevated to allow the swelling to go down. Lying flat on your back may aggravate the swelling.
Don't be shocked when you see your new nose for the first time. It may take 3 months or more for all the swelling and bruising to subside. Be patient.