Side Effects of Laser Skin Treatments
During a laser treatment several layers of the skin are removed revealing the new pink and delicate skin underneath. This will cause swelling that will last about a week and can be very painful.
Scabbing and Redness
You could experience scabbing and redness for one to two weeks while you are healing. Depending on your reaction to the treatment or how deep the treatment went, the healing process could possibly take from one to two months.
Possible Scarring
Make sure you go to the best doctor you can find. Some states allow estheticians to do laser treatments in spas, where as in other states the procedure can only be performed by a doctor, in a doctor's office. If the person administrating the procedure doesn't know what he's doing you could end up being scarred for life.
Having several layers of your skin zapped off with a laser does open you up for the risk infection. Like any surgery this doesn't mean you'll become infected just because you had the procedure, but it does put you at risk. Again, find the best doctor you can.
Avoid Sunlight
After a laser treatment, you must wear sun screen. For the first several month, you will need to avoid the sun. If you go into the sun especially without sun screen, you will get sun spots. At this point your skin is new like a baby's skin and you have to treat it as such.