How to Understand the Dangers of Permanent Make-up
Dangers of Permanent Make-Up
Adverse reactions to inks from the tattoo process could occur. If you have allergies, known or unknown, your body could react negatively to the ink that is used in these applications.
Know about the procedures the doctor will use to sterilize instruments. Infection can occur when instruments are not properly cleaned.
Be sure this is something you will always want. Though there are methods for removing tattoos, this process can be expensive and painful and is not always successful.
You can develop nodules under your skin called Granulomas, which form around areas of your body that it perceives to be foreign. In other words, you body could attempt to "fight" the area of tattoo application.
Application risks can be high. Even if your body accepts the tattoos, there are risks associated with the experience of the practitioner: some consumers who have had this process did not like the color, were unhappy about uneven lines, or even experienced poor artistry in general. Research the practitioner before you go.