Different Types of Plastic Surgery
Rhinoplasty is a common cosmetic surgery used to reshape the nose. This surgery is performed for many reasons, including: reconstruction, correction of birth defects, alleviating breathing problems or simply a cosmetic change. The price tag for a nose job averages around $5,000 and the procedure usually has a recovery time of two to four days.
The most common reason for otoplasty is to pin back protruding ears. Reconstruction of deformed and damaged ears can also be accomplished. Interestingly, otoplasty is one of the few cosmetic procedures appropriate for children age four and up. The price ranges between $2,000 and $5,000, and might be covered by insurance.
A tummy tuck is the removal of excess skin and fat, usually from weight loss or pregnancy, from the abdomen. It results in a stronger abdominal wall (trio of muscles that make up the abdomen) and a flatter belly. It leaves a "hip-to-hip" scar and can require nearly a year for complete recovery. The cost falls between $3,000 and $10,000, depending on location, patient needs and the technique used.
Liposuction, often called body contouring, is the most common cosmetic procedure performed in the United States. It involves the use of a hollow needle to suction away excess body fat. The price varies, ranging from $1,500 to $7,500. Techniques also,vary and depend on the results desired and patient's needs.
Breast Surgeries
There are three main types of plastic surgery of the breast. Breast augmentation, which uses implants to enlarge or enhance breasts, is the second most commonly performed cosmetic procedure in the United States. The cost typically falls between $3,000 and $5,000, and can go higher depending on the type of implant used and its placement.
Nursing, pregnancy and age can cause breasts to lose their shape, resulting in loss of firmness and elasticity. A breast lift, another cosmetic procedure, will counteract this and surgically reshape the breast. This procedure will leave visible scars and usually costs between $4,000 and $6,000, depending on location.
A third surgical option is for women who suffer from large breast. A breast reduction will help alleviate the back and neck pain, bra strap grooves and breathing problems that are often associated with large breast. The cost for a breast reduction averages $7,000, but can vary by location and the scope of the procedure.
Other Surgeries
Face-lifts, brow-lifts and eyelid surgery are other common cosmetic procedures designed to improve and refresh facial appearance. Whole body lifts are common after extreme weight loss that results in an abundance of excess skin. There are other surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures available and a consultation with a licensed plastic surgeon will help in finding those that will yield the desired results.