Types of Cosmetic Surgery
Rhinoplasty is one of the oldest and most popular types of cosmetic surgery. This is the rather obvious name given to correction of a variety of problems associated with the nose. For some people, a nose job is done because their nose is larger than is commonly accepted as attractive, while others engage the use of a rhinoplastician to treat health ailments related to the working of the nasal area, especially problems related to difficulty with breathing.
Breast Augmentation
Perhaps first on the list of cosmetic surgery done solely for the sake of looks is breast augmentation. This is the kind of surgery that gave rise to the term plastic surgery. While many women, especially women in the entertainment industry, go under the knife to increase their breast size for the sake of looking sexier, a perhaps surprising number of women actually have surgery to decrease their bust size due, often due to back problems associated with oversized breasts. Breast reduction has a serious side as well: The surgery is done to remove a breast due to cancer.
Technically known as lipoplasty, this is a cosmetic surgery procedure used to quite literally siphon off deposits of fat from the body. Anywhere that fat aggregates can be a target for liposuction, but the most common types of liposuction remove fatty deposits from the stomach, buttocks, thighs and arms.
Face Lift
The face lift is a broad term for a variety of cosmetic surgeries, but essentially all of these procedures have the same effect of reducing the slack quality of facial tissue as one grows older. The result of tightening the skin around the face is to produce the effect of making a person look younger. This is true only to a point, however, as too much tightening merely gives the face a bizarre aspect that often results in the lack of ability to produce certain expressions.
Tummy Tuck
The medical term for what is commonly known as a tummy tuck is abdominoplasty. While liposuction is often used in conjunction with a tummy tuck, it is not always necessary. A tummy tuck essentially is utilized for the significant reduction of a protruding belly, mostly in woman, but certainly not always. In addition, a tummy tuck is always used to deal with unsightly stretch marks received as a result of giving birth.
Wrinkle Removal
Several cosmetic surgery procedures are available for removing wrinkles. Autologous fat implants uses fat from the patient's body to fill slack areas of the face; this produce an effect similar to making a balloon smoother by blowing it with more air. A more popular treatment for removing wrinkles is Botox injections.
Pectoral Implants
Although most often associated with women, there are plenty of men who partake of all the cosmetic surgeries posted above. A form of cosmetic surgery that is quickly becoming quite popular among men is the pectoral implant; the male equivalent of a breast augmentation. These implants are designed to give what amounts to a fake appearance of being muscular and buff, providing all the muscle without the hard work.