About Tummy Tucks
An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is a cosmetic procedure that tightens the skin and muscles in the stomach area. Skin that has been overstretched can be cut and redraped around the belly button area, creating a firm appearance. The procedure is completed in approximately three to five hours, under general anesthesia, with a recovery time of about four weeks.
There are two types of tummy tuck procedures. In the full tummy tuck procedure, two incisions are made; one above the pubic bone and a second around the belly button. The skin and muscles are stretched from the sides, inward towards the belly button and stitched. Excess skin and fatty tissue is then removed, and the belly button is repositioned. This method retightens the muscles as well as, the overstretched skin, and narrows the waist.
The partial tummy tuck is a little less drastic and only firms the skin and muscle that lies below the belly button area. Partial tummy tucks usually only require one incision and often include the removal of excess fat cells through a liposuction procedure.
Both types of tummy tucks leave some level of scarring in the areas where the necessary incisions are made.
Certain lifestyle changes must be considered and followed prior to any type of tummy tuck procedure. For smokers, it is essential to stop smoking. Nutritious food choices will help to speed up the healing process, but smoking can prolong it, and also cause potential complications during surgery and anesthesia.
You may also want to take the time before surgery to reach out to friends or family for their support. You will be sore for some time afterward and may need some assistance with your daily routine. Also, preparing a wardrobe of loose fitting clothes for comfort purposes after surgery, and placing important items within easy reach of your bed or couch will be very important.
As with any surgical procedure, tummy tucks carry the risk of complications. Problems with anesthesia, bleeding problems and the potential risk of infection are possibilities. You may also notice excessive bruising and soreness in the area that the surgery was performed. You must also be in good mental and physical health in order for a tummy tuck to be performed. You should also not plan to become pregnant following the procedure.
It is a common misconception that a tummy tuck can be used in lieu of weight loss. This is not true. In fact, the amount of weight lost during a tummy tuck is only a direct result of the amount of skin that is removed during the procedure, which usually amounts to about three to five pounds. Therefore, if weight loss is a concern, it should be accomplished through exercise and a healthy diet prior to surgery. Afterward, a tummy tuck can enhance your results.