How Much Do Hair Implants Cost?
Time Frame
The average length of a single session is between 5 and 10 hours. Results can begin to show within three months after all procedures have been completed. The cost of hair implants is determined by the total amount of time and sessions needed. The average price of each graft used during a session is $6; the price may be lower for those who require many sessions.
The cost of hair implants is calculated by the total number of grafts needed. If you have excessive balding, the cost can be $7,000 to $10,000. Hair implants do not require continual sessions or yearly replacements, so you'll save about $1,800 when compared with nonsurgical hair-restoration treatments, which require replacements and special grooming.
There are three main types of hair implants. The first is Single Hair Follicular Unit, which transplants a single hair at a time. This procedure is mainly used to form hairlines and softer edges. The second procedure is called Follicular Units, which transplants two hairs at a time for a denser appearance. The last procedure is the Modified Follicular Unit. With this procedure, three to four hairs are used to add bulk.
Choose a surgeon who specializes in hair implants and has extensive experience. One risk of the procedure is further hair loss. Scarring in the area where the hair is retrieved, as well as bleeding and infection, are common risks. Not following your doctor's post-operative orders will increase your risk of negative side effects.
Hair implants are not the ideal procedure for everyone. If you have typical male-pattern baldness, this procedure will yield the best results. However, if you have hair loss over the entire scalp, hair implants will not provide positive results. Within six months, positive results will be prevalent and--by following your doctor's orders--your hair will grow evenly and healthy.