Hair Transplant Recovery
Things You'll Need
- Adjustable baseball cap
- Prescriptions
- Surgical cap (optional and provided by doctor)
Take an adjustable baseball cap with you when you go in for surgery. Your hair grafts will be very visible immediately following the surgery, but this is not the only reason to bring a cap. The grafts are very susceptible to external damage and infection following the surgery. The cap will help avoid any damage or infection. Do not wear the cap too tight, as this may cut off circulation and therefore damage your grafts. Loosen the cap, place the inside brim on your forehead, and carefully pull the cap over your head.
Make sure to take your prescriptions exactly as your health care specialist informed you to. These medications will often include a mild steroid for swelling, a prescription pain reliever and something to prevent infection. Follow the instructions on the bottle and you will reduce pain, swelling and chances of infection.
Leave your hair alone for at least 24 to 48 hours after your surgery. This includes washing your hair. After 48 hours, you can wash your hair, but be careful for two weeks. Just pour a cup of warm water on your hair and gently pat shampoo onto your head. Refrain from scrubbing the shampoo into your hair like you usually would. Allow your hair to naturally dry, as a blow dryer should not be used until your hair grafts have fully healed and fallen out. Make sure the grafts and scabs over them are clean and undisrupted.
Keep your head covered for at least two weeks after your surgery. This is to avoid direct sunlight, therefore just staying inside will have the same effect. Remain a bit inactive for those two weeks as well. This doesn't mean you can't go shopping or do chores, but refrain from any strenuous exercises.
Wear your surgery cap at night if your medical professional provided you with one. This will prevent your hair grafts from touching your pillow as you sleep. Try to sleep in an upright position as well. Keeping several pillows under your neck will prevent your grafts from rubbing on anything. Even sleeping in your favorite recliner will help. An upright sleeping position will also reduce swelling.
Leave the scabs on your head alone. It is natural for the graft sites to scab after surgery. This is a sign they are healing correctly. Do not scratch or pick at the scabs. Scabs should fall out between days 7 and 14. If they haven't done so by day 14, you should begin to shampoo a bit more vigorously. Don't worry if small hairs come out with the scabs, this is natural as well.
Have the stitches from your surgery removed approximately 10 days after surgery. Your medical professional will make this appointment and remove them for you. Do not attempt to remove them yourself.