How to Weigh Pros and Cons of Eyelash Implants
Consider the reason that you want to get the eyelash implants. You could have lost your eyelashes due to chemotherapy or a hair loss condition or just want to have long full lashes.
Listen to the procedure your doctor performs and the risk associated with the surgery. Infection can occur at the scalp, where the graft is taken, or at the eyelash line itself.
Understand that a local anesthesia is administered and if you have had a previous reaction to anesthesia, you need to tell your doctor.
Get training on the maintenance of cutting your eyelash implants like you have to cut your head hair, because they grow at the same rate after implantation.
Weigh the side effects of the surgery, such as bruising of your eyelid and special care of your eyelash implants after surgery.
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