How to Spot Buttock Augmentation
Take note of any friends of yours who mysteriously take a couple of weeks off from work, but doesn't leave town. Cosmetic surgery is more accepted than it used to be, however, some people still prefer to keep the less traditional surgeries like a butt augmentation private.
Notice if someone is buying a lot of pants all at once. Most of us go to the mall every now and then to pick up some clothing as our old clothes stretch and wear down. If you notice someone buying many pairs of pants, they may have a cosmectic reason.
Check out the butt. If the rest of the person's body seems a little saggier than the butt, then you may be onto something. Look for the butt to ride high. Like breast augmentations, it takes a while for butt implants to settle down and drop naturally.
See the butt naked. Look for incision scars where the thigh meets the cheeks. They are hard to see as they are often covered in the fold of skin. Also look for someone that appears to have two butts, meaning the outline of the implant is visible. This separates the "implanted butt" from the "natural butt."