Third Molar Extraction & Transmucosal Pain Relief
The Eve of Evolution
Evolution's physical changes granted humans the smarts to leave the trees and make cars and computers. However, these gifts have not come without cost. As the skull rearranges to make room for mightier minds, wisdom teeth have become crowded and often erupt in painful ways.
The Wisdom of Extraction
If you are one of the unfortunates who has had a wisdom tooth decide to come in at an unusual angle, or force itself out at the expense of your other teeth, you know the pain they can bring. If you chose to have the offending molar removed, you would be in good company. Because of its high success rate, wisdom tooth removal is the most common oral surgery performed.
Taming the Pain
After any surgery, pain is inevitable. In the inhospitable realm of the mouth, germs flourish, slowing healing and prolonging the pain. "Transmucosal medical delivery" is a mouthful, even for the medically inclined. It simply means injecting a drug into the gums. This method imparts many benefits, such as instant pain relief and lower drug toxicity.